Press Release

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Announces her Senate Committees

Jan 29, 2009

DC–Today, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announced that she will serve on
the Environment and Public Works Committee, Agriculture, Nutrition and
Forestry Committee and Foreign Relations Committee.

am thrilled by these committee assignments and their diversity will
help me serve New York State in numerous ways,” said Senator Kirsten
Gillibrand. The
Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee has jurisdiction over
transportation and infrastructure funding, clean air, water, and energy
legislation, global warming and superfund sites.  Funds allocated by
the EPW committee can help the State of New York close its budget
deficit, help reduce property taxes and build new infrastructure across
the state.

year, the EPW committee will re-write the transportation bill and water
resources bills and I intend to use my spot on the committee to make
sure that New York gets a larger share of the federal resources
available. NY traditionally gets a return of $0.79 for every dollar we
send to Washington. I want to work to fix that and correct the
imbalance,” said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

committee assignments will really help in our fight to make sure New
York gets its fair share of funding and they complement the committees
I serve on, greatly enhancing New York’s position in Washington,” said
Senator Charles Schumer.

Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry oversees
issues facing America’s low-income communities as well as farmers.  The
committee has oversight over nutrition programs such as food stamps and
the women’s, infant’s and children (WIC) feeding program.  It also
oversees farm support programs, conservation programs, forestry
programs, the commodity futures trading commission, and rural

Agriculture committee has a little bit for everyone in New York, from
funding for low-income families that need food assistance, to programs
to support the growing organics markets, to technical assistance and
insurance for the vineyards of Long Island and the dairy farms of
Western New York,” said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations is responsible for overseeing the
agencies that establish and carryout America’s foreign agenda.  As a
member of this committee, Senator-designee Gillibrand will protect New
York from terrorism and work to strengthen America’s relationships with
foreign nations.

York is the most international city in the US, and this committee will
not only give me a better understanding of the threats we face abroad,
but also help develop solutions that will protect our city and the
families that live here,” said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.