Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Statement on the President’s Budget

Feb 26, 2009

Washington, D.C. – New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand made the following
statement on President Obama’s budget.

“Over the pasts several weeks, I have met with New Yorkers from Buffalo to
Brooklyn and the number one concern is the economy.  New Yorkers expect
Washington to be focused on solutions. 

“The President’s budget is focused on solutions, creating jobs through
investments in infrastructure and renewable energy, investing in our schools,
and providing tax relief for middle class families and businesses.

“We must also recognize that our economic recovery will not succeed without an
aggressive strategy to fix America’s broken health care system. Families and
businesses across New York and across the country are counting on us to act.

“The President’s budget has the right priorities – job creation, energy
independence, health care reform, and investments in education.

“Over the coming weeks, I will work the Administration and my colleagues in
both parties to invest in our priorities and ensure our nation’s long-term
economic security.”