Press Release

Senator Gillibrand, Reps. Maffei and Courtney Urge Feds To Support Wind Turbine Production Program

Sep 23, 2009

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressmen Dan Maffei (NY-25) and Joe Courtney (CT-02) this week urged the Auto Task Force to consider a proposal by The D’Arcinoff Group (DG) to build wind turbines in former auto plants. The D’Arcinoff Group is a U.S. based company looking to operate wind turbine manufacturing facilities in 15 plants across the country in areas that have skilled workforces, strong infrastructure capabilities and access to natural resources required for green energy and technology projects. According to the D’Arcinoff Group, facilities in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Massena could create up to 15,000 jobs across Upstate New York.

“New York’s manufacturing base powered us through the 20th century, and we cannot rebuild our economy for the 21st century without it,” Senator Gillibrand said. “As we transition to clean energy production, this is an opportunity to build the components right here in New York.  We must harness the power of our manufacturing tradition to rebuild and fuel the new economy, creating thousands of good paying jobs right here in New York.”

Rep. Maffei said: “The country has faced a declining manufacturing base for decades, but we continue to produce superior products and have the most talented work force in the world. I am constantly looking for opportunities to invest in a green economy and refurbish our manufacturing facilities, and this is a great opportunity for New York.”

“My goal is to thoroughly explore every opportunity to bring meaningful new jobs to the Second District of Connecticut,” stated Rep. Courtney.  “The nation’s economy is going through a major change and part of that evolution includes a greener national energy policy that cuts our ties to foreign oil.  This proposal is comprehensive, unique, and will help to reduce our dependence on oil if successful.”

“That we are being considered for the D’Arcinoff Group’s project speaks to our efforts to establish New York State as a global leader in the clean energy and innovation economy. I have set a goal for New York to meet 45 percent of electricity demand with efficiency and renewables by 2015, which is driving demand for both clean energy deployment and clean energy manufacturing,” said New York State Governor David A. Paterson. “During these challenging fiscal times, it is more crucial than ever that we look to continue to grow this emerging technology to retain and create an educated workforce that allows us to compete in the global marketplace.”

“ESD continues to work towards securing New York State’s economic sustainability by focusing on the New Economy,” said Empire State Development Chairman & CEO designate, Dennis M. Mullen. “By investing in high tech, renewable energy development, economic growth is limitless and will yield tremendous returns. This project alone has the potential to createup to fifteen thousand new jobs across our state.  That is why it is essential we carry this momentum forward by fostering public/private partnerships and working together to find creative solutions to our vacant and underutilized manufacturing facilities in New York State.”

The D’Arcinoff Group is applying for a loan guarantee in order to purchase wind turbines, water electrolysis, seawater desalination and other equipment for an integrated renewable energy business opportunity. The implementation of this project is expected to generate substantial benefits throughout the country.

Specifically, according to the D’Arcinoff Group’s proposal, this project would result in:


  • Direct employment of 105,000 people, for at least seven years, spread over six states where the manufacturing of approximately 55,000 wind turbines and related electrolysis units will take place;                                                                                  
  • The creation and support of another 1.2 million indirect and supplier-based jobs; and
  • The utilization of available auto industry facilities and personnel to reach full operation within 18 months;

In the letter to members of the Auto Task Force, Senator Gillibrand and Reps. Maffei and Courtney emphasized the immense potential for job creation in areas that have seen a decline in manufacturing, writing, “At a time when your task force is deciding the fate of facilities and equipment formerly associated with the auto industry, we believe The D’Arcinoff Group’s project will significantly advance and enhance our nation’s economic goals.  The implementation of this program will generate substantial benefits to the United States and, as such, we would encourage you to review, analyze and consider this program as expeditiously as possible.”