Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Reacts to President Obama’s Address

Feb 24, 2009

– New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand emphasizes the need for job
creation in her statement following President Obama’s address to the nation.

“In the last few weeks I’ve
travelled all across New York, listening to families. Everywhere I go, from
Buffalo to Brooklyn, people are concerned about the economy and jobs.

“I was very pleased to hear that the President is focused on job creation
and fixing the economy.

“We can create jobs by fostering new industry through renewable energy and
traditional infrastructure, investing in health care and education to ensure
long-term economic growth, and cutting taxes for the middle class and small
businesses to help them grow.

“We all must stay focused on solutions.  I am so pleased that we have
a President that will work with Congress and work with both parties to forge

“Our nation’s economic challenges present great opportunity for the people
of New York.  We can help lead this economic recovery by rebuilding our financial
system for the world. In the weeks and months ahead, I will work with President
Obama to ensure that New York is helping to lead the way.”