Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Introduces Resolution Commemorating 400th Anniversary of Henry Hudson’s Voyage

Sep 8, 2009

Washington, DC
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today introduced a resolution
commemorating the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s first exploratory
sail up what is now called the Hudson River in 1609, as well as the
200th anniversary of Robert Fulton’s Hudson River voyage in 1807 in
which he introduced steam navigation on a commercial basis.

year, we have a unique opportunity to celebrate New York and America’s
past,” Senator Gillibrand said. “It’s been 400 years since the Hudson
River was first discovered. Today, we’re still unlocking its potential.
The Hudson River Valley fuels our economy with new jobs, new
development and tourism, inspires our artists and offers New Yorkers
miles of adventure and endless recreation.”

first European exploration of the Hudson River and the introduction of
steam navigation to maritime commerce are celebrated both in the United
States and abroad. In 1609, Englishman Henry Hudson, acting in the
service of the Dutch East India Company, became the first European to
sail up the river later named for him in the vessel Half Moon. Also in
1609, French explorer Samuel de Champlain became the first European to
see the lake later named for him, as well as the shores in Northern New
York and Vermont.

explorations led to the establishment of Fort Orange, a Dutch, and
later English, settlement of what is now the capital city of the State
of New York, as well as the establishment of French trading posts,
military posts, and settlements as far south as Lake George.  From
these early establishments came trade, commerce, cultural, and
religious impact deep into the Mohawk Valley and as far west as Lake
Erie.  These settlements influenced American history, culture, law,
commerce, and traditions of liberty that extend to the present day.

200 years later, in 1807, Robert Fulton navigated the Hudson River from
the city of New York to Albany in the steamboat Clermont, successfully
inaugurating steam navigation on a commercial basis. This event helped
revolutionize waterborne commerce on the great rivers of the United
States and fostered international relations through transoceanic travel
and trade.

week, New York is proud to welcome Willem-Alexander, Crown Prince of
Orange, and his wife, Princess Maxima to be part of the 400 celebration
in Albany and New York City. Congressmen Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and
Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) introduced this resolution in the U.S. House of