Press Release

Schumer, Gillibrand, Morelle Deliver Over $9.4 Million To Rochester & Finger Lakes To Fuel Research, Infrastructure, And Community-Led Projects; From Workforce Training & Development To Investments In Rochester’s Universities, Funds Will Support Local Institutions And Lay Foundation For A Bright Future For The Region

Mar 11, 2024


U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced they have secured $9,411,609 for Rochester and the Finger Lakes in Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations bills to support workforce development, improve vital infrastructure, and invest in local law enforcements. This funding, including funds for train the next generation of Rochester workers, support first responders in the Monroe County Sheriff’s office, spur research and development at local universities, and expand Rochester’s public facilities, will bring transformative projects to the finish line for communities and families across the region. Schumer, Gillibrand, and Morelle said the funding will create economic growth and prosperity for local communities, and ensure the Finger Lakes stays at the top of its booming research sector while increasing access to new good-paying, local jobs.

“From supporting our local law enforcement which keep our communities safe to bolstering our workforce and universities, these critical investments will breathe new life into Rochester and Finger Lakes communities,” said Senator Schumer. “The over $9.4 million I secured will bring renovated parks and public spaces, good-paying jobs for our kids and grandkids, and improved, modern infrastructure so cities and towns around the Finger Lakes have the support they need to build a community that’s here for generations. To top it off, upgrades to research and development at the Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Rochester will make sure the Finger Lakes has the academic tools it needs to invest in the cutting-edge technologies that will send us into the future. I’m proud to have delivered these millions for an improved quality of life for our families in Rochester and beyond.”

“Today, we are committing to putting millions toward improving transportation, revitalizing water infrastructure, enhancing public safety, and developing a highly trained workforce in Rochester,” said Senator Gillibrand. “I’m proud to have fought to secure this funding, and I’ll continue to work tirelessly to make sure that Rochester families, workers, and businesses have what they need to thrive.” 

 “My top priority in Congress has always been to deliver results for the people of Rochester, which is why I’m so proud to have secured this funding that will directly impact our community,” said Congressman Joe Morelle. “Every day, I’m working to create a brighter future for our families. By securing funding for our local organizations who are doing extraordinary work on the frontlines, we’re putting resources in the hands of those who know best how to use them. I look forward to continuing to work alongside my colleagues in Congress to ensure everyone has the resources necessary to thrive.”

$1,619,279 million for RochesterWorks’ Rehabilitation of Legacy Office Space

RochesterWorks, Inc. will use this funding to rehabilitate 25,000 square feet of legacy Eastman Kodak office space in Rochester. The project will enable RochesterWorks, a groundbreaking workforce and job training nonprofit and member of the American Job Center Network, to revitalize and leverage the corporate park and offer its unique job-training services to residents.

$1.25 million for the Rochester Institute of Technology RIT Battery Prototyping Center Expansion

The funding will be used for construction and heavy equipment related to the expansion of RIT’s Battery Prototyping Center.

$1.25 million for the University of Rochester Advanced Quantum Research Equipment

This funding will provide cutting edge electron microscopy capabilities for research at the University of Rochester, expanding the University’s tradition of excellence in quantum optics and acting as a key regional resource for the academic and business community.

$940,000 for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office-Regional Investigative Operations Center

The funding will support the development of a Regional Investigative Operations Center (RIOC), to enhance the Sheriff’s TAM model, receive tips, track leads, and coordinate law enforcement. Currently the Monroe Crime Analysis Center (MCAC), is inundated with gun violence cases and pattern crimes. The RIOC will facilitate coordination and joint operational response by employing technology to prevent crime. Services will be available to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. The RIOC will also function as an investigative branch for any large-scale critical incident affecting our region, from a debilitating ice storm to a terrorist attack. The result will be shared resources, personnel, and complete situational awareness for all public safety leaders in the region. The RIOC will also assist with the Department of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” program for the reporting of suspicious activity with an on-line form and phone number. The RIOC will then analyze suspicious activities, scrub, prioritize, and forward it to investigative staff.

$850,000 for the City of Rochester to Expand Rochester Public Market

The City of Rochester will use this funding to expand the Rochester Public Market, providing local residents and small businesses with access to more commercial space at the Market. The project will bring a new building and storefront, expanding the space to strengthen the market’s economic resilience and so that more Rochester families can enjoy everything the Public Market has to offer.

$850,000 for the City of Rochester Workforce Development Training Facility Buildout

The funding will support the buildout of a vacant commercial space to be dedicated space for the City’s successful, US EPA-funded REJob program, other workforce development programs, and internal trainings. The funds will allow for asbestos abatement, construction and ADA compliance upgrades. Currently, the REJob program relies on space in multiple facilities, which poses transportation challenges for program participants as well as difficulties with scheduling. This project will create a centrally located, easily accessible facility in Downtown Rochester and will allow the City to focus on the delivery of the US EPA-funded REJob program. The REJob program is a comprehensive, multi-partner effort to train and place disadvantaged City residents in environmental industry jobs, with a 100% job placement rate for local graduates.

In addition to the above projects, Schumer, Gillibrand, and Morelle also highlighted the below community-led initiatives that they also secured funding for:

  • $652,330 for the construction of a new Teen Center at Rochester’s Charles Settlement House.
  • $500,000 for the Town of Rush to construct a new water district to provide public water and fire protection to residents relying on private wells.
  • $500,000 for the Town of Gates to begin upgrades to its community park.
  • $500,000 for the Village of Webster to improve accessibility at its waterfront.
  • $500,000 for the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority to construct ADA-compliant bus stops.