Press Release

On 10th Anniversary Of The Citizens United Decision, Gillibrand Announces Her 100% A+ Rating On Democracy Reform Scorecard

Jan 21, 2020


Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced she received a 100% A+ rating on the 2019 legislative scorecard released last week by End Citizens United Action Fund. This designation recognizes her strong record of fighting the power of special interests in Washington. The scorecard tracks members’ support for legislation to end the dominance of big money in politics, restore ethics in Washington, and protect and expand the right to vote.

“We have to get money out of politics and have publicly funded elections. Every day, corporations and the wealthy spend millions of dollars to highjack our democracy,” said Senator Gillibrand. “Clean elections would fix the rot and greed at the center of Washington and help restore power back to the people. I am proud that End Citizen’s United Action Fund has recognized my work to combat corruption, and I will continue doing everything I can to create a true representative democracy.”

Gillibrand has been a leader in government transparency and accountability since her first election to the House in 2006. Gillibrand was the first member of Congress to post her official meetings, personal financial disclosures, earmark requests, and taxes online. In 2019, Gillibrand rolled out a Clean Election Plan to create publicly funded federal elections. Gillibrand is also an original co-sponsor of the For the People Act (S. 949), a once-in-a-generation anti-corruption and government ethics reform bill that passed the House in March of 2019. 

The full scorecard may be found here.