Press Release

Gillibrand Urges Kansas Republicans To Drop Hold on McHugh Nomination

Aug 13, 2009

Washington, D.C. – As the stalled confirmation of Congressman John McHugh to be the next
Secretary of the Army reaches its second week, U.S. Senator Kirsten
Gillibrand today wrote to the two Kansas Republicans who are blocking
the nomination, urging them to move beyond politics and move forward on
McHugh’s confirmation. U.S. Senators Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts have
put a hold on Congressman McHugh’s confirmation, even though the Senate
Armed Services Committee endorsed his nomination in an August 4 voice

“As America wages two wars and with multiple
international conflicts on the horizon, we can’t afford to let politics
get in the way of having every military post filled,” Senator
Gillibrand said. “We need Congressman McHugh’s leadership now more than
ever. Each day we hold up his confirmation and keep him from his new
post, we compromise the safety and security of all Americans. I hope
Senators Brownback and Roberts will join me and the rest of our Senate
colleagues to put the interests of our country before all else, and
finally confirm Congressman McHugh to this critical post.”

Senator Gillibrand’s full letter to the Kansas Republicans is below:

August 12, 2009

Honorable Sam Brownback
United States Senate
303 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Honorable Pat Roberts
United States Senate
109 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510


Dear Senators Brownback and Roberts:


am writing to respectfully request that you allow the United States
Senate to vote on the nomination of Hon. John McHugh, to serve as
Secretary of the Army.  In this critical time, our men and women in
uniform should not be deprived of the critical leadership provided by
the Secretary of the Army.  I had the privilege of serving with
Congressman McHugh on the House Armed Services Committee and believe
that he is uniquely qualified to serve and to lead the Army during this
time of challenge and opportunity.


a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman McHugh
provided strong leadership in providing for the well-being and safety
of our troops and their families as they carry out their fundamental
mission of keeping America safe.  He had the distinction of
representing the men and women of Fort Drum in the United States House
of Representatives, and proved to be a faithful and dedicated advocate
on their behalf.  I have every confidence that he will bring the same
leadership and determination to benefit all Army families across the
United States. 


you for your consideration of this matter, and for your leadership in
the United States Senate.  I look forward to continuing to work
together with you to strengthen our Armed Services and provide for the
security of our country.  I hope that you will reconsider your hold as
it is in the best interest of the Army as a whole and of our nation’s
security to swiftly confirm Congressman McHugh’s nomination as soon as
the Senate returns from August recess.





Kirsten E. Gillibrand