Press Release

Gillibrand Statement On Vote To Convict President Trump

Feb 13, 2021

Addressing her vote to convict President Trump under the article of impeachment charging him with “incitement of insurrection,” U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand released the following statement:

“The evidence is irrefutable. For months, President Trump laid the groundwork for the insurrection, actively promoting conspiracy theories about election fraud to his supporters. On January 6th, he incited violence against Congress and his own vice president. Finally, even as his violent supporters stormed the Capitol, causing untold destruction and several deaths, President Trump refused to take action to protect members of Congress, the vice president, Capitol Police and law enforcement officers, staff and those working in the Capitol.

This shameful incident has left a stain on our nation that can never be removed—nor should it. 

As a United States senator, I swore an oath to do impartial justice according to the Constitution. Today, I upheld that oath by voting to convict President Trump under charges of inciting an insurrection against the U.S. government. I thank the other senators, including seven of my Republican colleagues, who had the courage to do the same.”