Press Release

Gillibrand Hails Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium as Environmental Champion

Apr 29, 2011

Westchester, NYToday, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, congratulated a group of 14 Westchester municipalities for winning the 2011 Environmental Quality Award. This past February, Senator Gillibrand nominated the Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium (NWEAC), an eco-friendly group of cities, towns and villages throughout Westchester. The organization is set to receive the Environmental Protection Agency’s prestigious honor today for their commitment and significant contributions to greening Westchester County.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said, “I congratulate the Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium for their dedication to creating a cleaner New York. From finding ways to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, to improving the area’s quality of life, this environmental champion will help lead the way towards a green energy future for our city and our country. The NWEAC is a great example of how municipal governments can work together to provide economic and environmental benefits in their communities.”

“The Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium is delighted to be a recipient of EPA’s Environmental Quality Award in Region 2,” said Herb Oringel, Chair of NWEAC. “Leaders from the 14 Communities that comprise our collaborative effort have been working hard at issues pertaining to energy, environment and employment since we came together. We are proud of the DOE and NYSERDA Awards to enhance energy efficiency in our homes which will by design, reduce green house Gas pollution improving the health and comfort of the 240,000 people who live within the borders of NWEAC. The recognition from the EPA and other agencies stimulates us to further action and motivates us to work even harder to be good stewards of Planet Earth.”

Founded in 2010, the NWEAC consists of 14 municipalities in Westchester County. NWEAC members collaborate to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, save money for Westchester residents and businesses, increase energy efficiency in communities and collaborate local efforts with county, state, and federal initiatives. The organization assist municipalities in the grant process by sharing grant writing services and pooling resources. These grants help localities fund their energy efficiency and emissions reductions projects and help get local energy initiatives off the ground.

Awards, which recognize individuals and organizations that have improved the environment and public health in EPA Region 2 (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and seven federally-recognized Indian Nations), will be formally presented to New York organizations in a ceremony on Friday, April 29th at the EPA Regional Headquarters in Lower Manhattan.