Press Release

Gillibrand Denounces Mcconnell Statement That States And Localities Should Declare Bankruptcy

Apr 22, 2020

Addressing Senator McConnell’s comments endorsing states declaring bankruptcy, Senator Gillibrand issued the following statement: 

“Senator McConnell’s comments today on hitting the “pause button” on further federal emergency legislation, and that cities and states should declare bankruptcy, are utterly reprehensible.  

“Mitch McConnell eagerly passed billions in tax breaks for wealthy companies and made sure to take care of big companies and the airlines last month, but now he is telling struggling Americans to take their $1200 check and keep quiet. It is utterly infuriating that McConnell is telling American cities and states to go bankrupt, as millions fall behind on their rent and mortgages and face food insecurity. 

“In the coming weeks I plan to work in a bipartisan manner to craft another emergency relief bill to address the multitude of crises we face and I encourage every American to raise their voice at this outrage from the Republican Senate Majority Leader.”