Press Release

Gillibrand And Arcuri Call for Newly Created Cyber Security Czar to Visit Rome Labs

Jun 10, 2009


After news that the FBI’s computer and email system shut down due to a
far-reaching virus, on May 29, President Obama created the position of cyber
security czar responsible for protecting America’s network security. Today,
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Michael Arcuri called on the
Administration to send the future appointee to tour the Air Force Research
Laboratory (AFRL) in Rome, New York. Gillibrand and Arcuri toured Rome Labs and
saw firsthand state-of-the-art research lab which designs cutting edge science
and technologies leading the development of warfighting information
technologies for air, space, and cyberspace force.

here in the Mohawk Valley, Rome Labs is at the forefront of our cyber security
fight,” said Senator Gillibrand. “President Obama has made a great step forward
to make our internet systems more secure by appointing a cyber security czar
and initiating a comprehensive review of our cyber security risks.  One of
the first things our new cyber security czar should do is tour Rome Labs and
learn about the benefits of their cutting edge research.  Rome Labs can
play a critical role in ensuring our nation’s network security.”

Labs has the experience and expertise in the field of cyber security to assist
the new Cyber-Security Czar and protect our nation from cyber-attacks,” Rep.
Arcuri said, “I join Senator Gillibrand in urging the new Cyber Security Czar
to visit for a first-hand look at what Rome Labs can do to advance this
critical mission. I also want to commend the President for taking the
necessary steps to protect our nation from the very real threat of cyber

Labs is the Air Force’s headquarters for its Information Directorate and is
charged with researching and developing cyber securities and information
technologies for the Air Force. With an overall budget of $719 million and
computer scientists, electrical engineers, computer engineers, and mathematicians
as the majority of its employees, Rome Lab’s cyber security and cyber operation
division defends, protects, and keeps surveillance on information systems and

As the new cyber czar
begins his or her new role in online security, Gillibrand and Arcuri urged the
Administration to learn more about the work at Rome Labs.  This
Information Directorate is a much needed operation to keep U.S. cyber security
risks low. They encouraged the future cyber czar to take advantage of this
existing research to not only continue to protect our online systems but to fix
this growing threat to our national security.