Press Release

Gillibrand: Ahmadinejad’s Comments Abhorrent

Apr 20, 2009

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand called Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s comments about Israel abhorrent and issued the following statement:

“I commend President Obama and Secretary Clinton for withdrawing the American delegation from the conference and further commend Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Poland for joining our boycott.”

“I find President Ahmadinejad’s comments about Israel abhorrent.  In fact the Iranian President’s statement today confirms the concern that I raised in February, that Durban II could legitimize some of the world’s most dangerous anti-Semites.

In February, Senator Gillibrand and Senator Charles Schumer sent a letter to UN Ambassador Susan Rice registering their concern about anti-Semitism at the World Conference Against Racism, known as Durban II (see attached).  Senator Gillibrand later praised the administration for electing to withdraw from the conference.