Press Release

Schumer, Gillibrand: President’s Budget Request for 2017 Provides Increased Funding for Brookhaven National Lab’s Ion Collider; Senators Vow to Continue Fighting for Increased Funding in the Senate

Feb 11, 2016

U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand announced today that President Obama’s budget request for FY2017 includes an increase in federal funding for Brookhaven National Lab’s (BNL) Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Specifically, the President has requested $179.700 million in federal funding for the RHIC. Last year’s omnibus allocated $172.088 million in federal funding for the RHIC. Additionally, the President requested an increase in federal funding for BNL’s National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II). Specifically, the President has requested $111.834 million in federal funding for the operation of NSLS-II. Last year’s omnibus allocated $110 million for the NSLS-II operations and an additional $15.5 million for the light source’s experimental tools.

In addition, the President’s request includes $1.8 million for a Core Facility Revitalization project. The Core Facility Revitalization project is funded through the Science Laboratories Infrastructure program of the DOE Office of Science to provide the physical facilities and infrastructure that will enable computing and data storage capabilities in support of the lab’s growing computational science needs. The $1.8 million requested for this project in FY17 will be used for preliminary and final design as well as project management and support activities at BNL.

“I am pleased that the President has requested an increase in federal funding for Brookhaven National Lab’s ion collider and the National Synchrotron Light Source because an increase in funding will help keep BNL and our nation at the forefront of innovation and boost Long Island’s economy,” said Senator Schumer. “I will continue to fight hard in Congress to secure this increase in federal funding so that Brookhaven National Lab’s ion collider can continue to operate.”

“Brookhaven National Laboratory is a major economic engine for Long Island and I am pleased the Administration recognizes that this facility plays a critical role in U.S.,” said Senator Gillibrand.  “If we are going to out-innovate and out-compete other countries in the fields of science and technology, we must continue to invest in cutting edge facilities like the country’s only ion collider at Brookhaven National Lab. I will continue to work hard to ensure that this funding is included in the Fiscal Year 2017 appropriations bill, ensuring our nation’s continued edge in research and supporting BNL’s central role in Long Island’s economy.”

Brookhaven National Lab Director Doon Gibbs said, “We appreciate the President’s continued support for science and, in particular, Brookhaven Lab’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and National Synchrotron Light Source II. We are also extremely grateful for the ongoing efforts of Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand — and the entire NY Congressional delegation — on behalf of the Lab and its research mission.”

Brookhaven National Lab’s collider currently supports 800 jobs and is the only remaining particle collider of its kind in the country. BNL’s National Synchrotron Light Source- II is a next-generation X-ray light source scientific user facility that is poised to foster breakthroughs in fields such as advanced materials, biology and medicine, and chemical, geo-, nano-, and environmental science. When fully instrumented NSLS II will serve over 2,000 university, industry, and government-sponsored