Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Votes to Confirm Hilda Solis as Labor Secretary

Feb 24, 2009

Washington, D.C. – New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand released the following
statement today on the confirmation of Hilda L. Solis to be Secretary of Labor.

“Today, I was proud to vote with my colleagues in the Senate to confirm Hilda
Solis as our next Secretary of Labor.  At a time when many New Yorkers are
losing their jobs, we need a strong leader at the Department of Labor who is
committed to American workers.

“As the first Latina to serve as Labor Secretary, she will also bring a unique
and valuable perspective to the President’s cabinet.

“Secretary Solis comes from a hard-working background and has fought for
working families her entire career.  She understands the needs and
concerns of millions of Americans who are looking to us for solutions. 

“I look forward to working with the new secretary, particularly as the
Department of Labor moves to invest nearly $4 billion in additional funds for
job training and youth programs.  Together we can make a big difference
for people in New York.”