Press Release

Schumer, Gillibrand Call for ‘Proof Of Loss’ Extension for Sandy Victims; Deadline Fast Approaching & Many Homeowners Still Need Time to File Flood Insurance Claims

Apr 23, 2014

U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten E. Gillibrand today called on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to grant an extension to Sandy victims who still need to file flood insurance claims. Under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Sandy-impacted homeowners must file a “proof of loss” form, a statement on the amount that the homeowner is claiming under his or her flood insurance policy. Initially, the deadline was October 29th, 2013 in order to be eligible for coverage for flood damage. Many homeowners were unable to meet this deadline because they were waiting for repair work to begin on their homes and were unaware of additional expenses needed to rebuild.

After their push, Schumer and Gillibrand secured an extension to April 28th, 2014. With that deadline fast approaching, Schumer and Gillibrand are calling on FEMA to grant another extension because many homeowners need additional time to file their flood insurance claims.

“Many homeowners affected by Sandy are still in the recovery process and need more time to estimate the total cost needed to rebuild from the storm,” said Schumer. “While I am pleased that FEMA extended the ‘proof of loss’ deadline by six months, it is clear that many Sandy-victims still may not be able to meet this fast approaching deadline. FEMA should grant another extension to ensure that all homeowners in-need have the opportunity to file their flood insurance claims.”

“Sandy-impacted homeowners who suffered damage to their homes as a result of the storm are still piecing their lives back together and deserve additional time that enable them to file flood insurance claims that fully reflect all of their losses,” said Gillibrand. “Providing an additional “proof of loss” extension is the right thing to do, and will ensure a fair process for struggling families.  I urge FEMA to heed our call to assist New Yorkers through this process.”

Schumer and Gillibrand today called on FEMA to grant a “proof of loss” extension to Sandy victims. Schumer and Gillibrand explained that many homeowners are still in the recovery process and not yet fully aware of all of their expenses needed to rebuild. An extension would give these homeowners more time to gather full cost estimates and file flood insurance claims.