Press Release

Gillibrand Announces $320,000 for City of Ogdensburg in Brownfields Assessment Grants

May 24, 2012

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today announced the City of Ogdensburg has been awarded two Brownfields Assessment Grants from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) totaling $320,000 for a community-wide environmental site assessment of hazardous substances as part of the redevelopment of the City’s waterfront properties and other polluted sites.  Funds will be used to conduct up to 20 Phase I and six Phase II environmental site assessments focused on the City’s efforts to revitalize its local waterfront for new commercial use and tourism opportunities. Grant funds will also be used to conduct community outreach and cleanup planning activities. 

“This is a great investment for Ogdensburg,” Senator Gillibrand said. “This funding will allow the City to identify hazardous substances and petroleum products that put at risk the community’s environmental safety and prevent the use of valuable properties for economic development and increased recreational opportunities. These federal dollars will have an enormous impact on the development of the City’s waterfront sites that are critical to the future of the community.” 

“The opportunity for us to remediate the City’s waterfront property is critical to our future,” said Mayor Bill Nelson. “This funding is central to our brownfield redevelopment, housing and tourism strategies and I am greatly appreciative of Senator Gillibrand’s efforts on behalf of our proposal.” 

The environmental site assessment will focus on identifying hazardous substances for the remediation of the Ogdensburg’s waterfront Brownfields Opportunity Area, which includes polluted sites in the Marina District, the former Augsbury Tank Farm District, the Fort de la Présentation District and the Shade Roller/Diamond International District. 

Senator Gillibrand wrote to EPA Administrator Jackson in November urging the Administration to approve the City’s request for funds. A copy of Senator Gillibrand’s letter to EPA is attached.