Press Release

Gillibrand Statement And Photo Following Meeting With Secretary Of State-Designate Tony Blinken

Dec 2, 2020


Following her meeting with Secretary of State-designate Tony Blinken, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand released the following statement: 

“Today I had a constructive and deeply informative conversation with Secretary of State-designate Tony Blinken about the incoming Biden administration’s approach to U.S. foreign policy and national security. Tony is a dedicated and uniquely qualified public servant whose extensive experience in world affairs will help restore American leadership and repair our relationships with our allies. I urged Tony to focus on preventing future pandemics with a whole-of-government one health approach, to prioritize positioning the United States to compete with China over the long run, and to work on strengthening women’s rights and education in the Middle East. Our conversation made clear that under the Biden administration, the State Department will once again be staffed with empowered, experienced, and accomplished public servants ready to stand up for our values at home and abroad.”