Press Release

Senator Gillibrand Statement On Republican Health Care Bill

Jul 13, 2017

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand today released the following statement on the latest version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act:

“The cuts to Medicaid in this tweaked version of a disastrous bill are no less outrageous today than they were a couple of weeks ago. Today, Medicaid serves one in five Americans – not only the poor, but two-thirds of those in nursing homes, more than 30 million children, and countless individuals with disabilities. The Republican health care bill required a wholesale overhaul, but instead, this proposal continues to turn its back on the most vulnerable. On behalf of my constituents, who have spoken out overwhelmingly against the cruel proposals in the Better Care Reconciliation Act, I will do everything in my power to block this bill from becoming law.”