Press Release

Schumer, Gillibrand Announce $360,000 in Federal Funds to Improve Wastewater Treatment Plant for Families, Businesses in Antwerp

Jun 20, 2013

Washington, D.C.  – U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand announced federal funding worth $360,000 for the Village of Antwerp to help finance a project to make improvements to the existing wastewater treatment plant. The federal funding is allocated through the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development’s Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program.

“Effectively supporting our rural communities with funding for clean water and sewer treatment is pivotal for our community and our economy,” said Senator Schumer. “Completing water-quality projects in Antwerp will boost public health and bring infrastructure jobs to the region, which will spur local economic development, improving quality of life in the region.”    

“When we invest in key water infrastructure like this, we can deliver clean drinking water to more Antwerp families, and help strengthen the local economy,” Senator Gillibrand said. “Upgrading water infrastructure is an effective way to attract new businesses and support new local jobs. And by making these investments at the federal level, we can hold the line on property taxes to help Antwerp families keep more of what they earn.”

“The Federal and State funding we received will ensure the infrastructure of our village, and will greatly relieve the financial burden that would be placed on the hardworking taxpayers”, said Calvin Jones, Mayor of the Village of Antwerp.  “The village would not have been able to undertake the project alone, but thanks to the combined efforts of several individuals from Federal and State agencies we will be able to complete this greatly needed project.”      

The Village of Antwerp is receiving a federal grant worth $360,000, along with $2,910,000 in state funding to finance the water project, which will be used to make improvements to the Village’s existing wastewater treatment plant.