Press Release

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Statement On Ohio Ballot Initiative Vote

Aug 8, 2023

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand released the following statement on Ohio voters rejecting a ballot initiative that would raise the threshold for amending the state’s constitution:

“Tonight voters in Ohio soundly rejected this undemocratic ballot initiative that would have impeded efforts to codify women’s reproductive freedom in the Ohio Constitution. Across the country, in places like Ohio, Kansas, Kentucky and more, voters have sent a clear message to extreme right-wing legislatures that reproductive rights enjoy support that is as wide as it is deep. Next November, voters in many states across the country, including in New York, will have the opportunity to enshrine women’s equality and reproductive freedom in their state constitutions, and I will be working hard to support their efforts on the ground and in the Senate. American women will not accept second-class citizenship post-Dobbs and we are ready for the fight ahead.”