Press Release

Gillibrand Announces Legislation To Ban Distribution Of Blueprints For 3d Printed Firearms And Curb Epidemic Of “Ghost Guns”

Jul 26, 2023

Today, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand held a video press conference to announce her work on the 3D Printed Gun Safety Act, federal legislation that would ban online distribution of blueprints for the 3D printing of firearms and help prevent the proliferation of “ghost guns.”

Ghost guns are homemade firearms that have no serial number, making them untraceable and extremely difficult to regulate. The components are often purchased in “ghost gun kits” or even 3D printed using instructions found on the internet. Individuals have the ability to go online and obtain these blueprints and instruction manuals without a background check and can print out firearms with just the click of a mouse. And because many of the 3D printed guns are made of plastic, they can bypass metal detectors commonly used at courthouses, airports, and other secured public areas.

In 2022, New York State Police seized 85 percent more ghost guns than they did in 2021.

“With the increase in ghost gun seizures, we need to do more at the federal level to stop 3D printed guns from ever being created in the first place,” said Senator Gillibrand. “The 3D Printed Gun Safety Act is federal legislation that would ban the online distribution of blueprints for 3D printing of firearms. Those who shouldn’t have a gun also shouldn’t be able to print one with just the click of a mouse. By cracking down on the blueprints as well as the guns themselves, we can limit the availability of ghost guns and make it more difficult for dangerous individuals to get their hands on them.”

The 3D Printed Gun Safety Act was originally introduced by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA).