Press Release

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Statement On Affirmative Action Ruling

Jun 29, 2023

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand released the following statement on the Supreme Court decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina:

“Yet again, this right-wing Supreme Court has overturned decades of precedent in pursuit of its political agenda. This misguided ruling will deeply harm efforts to increase diversity in our schools and to create a more equal society — going forward, students of color will face greater obstacles in pursuing higher education and the opportunities that come with it.

However, those who believe in a more just society will not allow this wrongheaded decision to stop progress. We know that student inclusion helps our schools and communities thrive. And we will use this ruling to recommit to the fight for equality, both in our schools and society at large.”