Press Release

Gillibrand Introduces New Legislation to Jumpstart New Clean Technology Businesses, Jobs in New York

Aug 7, 2009

– U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand introduced new legislation to help spur new
clean technology businesses and create new jobs in New York and across America.
The Clean Technology Business Competition Grant Program would establish
a $50 million competitive grant program to spur the development of new, clean
technology businesses to help rebuild our economy for the 21st century.

“No other state is poised to lead in the
new economy like New York,” Senator Gillibrand said. “Our state is home to the
universities, businesses, laboratories, researchers and the bright minds we
need for long-term economic strength. This legislation would put the tools and
resources we need on the ground to help businesses create new technologies to
meet the needs of the new economy, spur new businesses and create thousands of
new jobs for New York.”

The Clean Technology Business Competition would authorize $50 million
for a competitive grant program through the Department of Energy for
non-profits and other organizations to conduct nationwide clean technology and
business competitions.

Silicon Valley, and other business and research hubs, have hosted similar
business competitions to spark new technologies and new businesses. Senator
Gillibrand’s legislation would bring the competition to a national scale to
incentivize businesses across the country to develop new, clean technologies to
help meet the needs of the new energy economy of the future, create new
businesses and new jobs to help rebuild our economy, and develop technologies
and products to help stem the tide of global climate change.

Home to dozens of cutting-edge research institutions, New York is ideally
positioned to generate the technologies we need for the new economy, and
translate them into new businesses to help rebuild our economy for the long